Root Canal
Root canal Treatment has long been associated with excruciating pain and the notion has spread over years to become a stereotype. In fact, mere mention of RCT makes many people squirm nervously. However, with this perception of painful Root canal treatment is no longer based on facts. With the advances in anesthesia and surgical techniques’ being used, RCT has become painless. In fact, Root Canal treatments in India are practiced with the most advanced technologies in dental fields.
Treatment at the root of the problem to relieve your pain

If you experience pain, prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, discolouration of the tooth, swelling, tenderness of gums or a bad taste in the mouth, the nerve in your tooth may be inflamed or infected. If left untreated, this can lead to the loss of the tooth. Other conditions, such as deep decay, a faulty crown, a crack or chip in the tooth, or even repeated dental procedures on the same tooth can cause problems.
To nip the problem in the bud, you will need to undergo root canal treatment. The procedure is designed to help eliminate bacteria from your infected root canal. The inflamed or infected pulp will be removed before disinfection and cleaning of the inside of the tooth is carried out.
Once that is done, our patients are better positioned in preventing reinfection of the tooth and save the natural tooth itself.
By saving their natural tooth, patients are more likely able to maintain their natural smile, keep eating their favourite foods and limit the need for future dental work.
Root canal treatment involves the removal of the inflamed or infected root. The inflamed or infected root will be removed, before cleaning and disinfecting is done for the inside of the tooth.
The tooth is then filled with an inert material and subsequently restored. This treatment saves the tooth that would otherwise have been extracted.
Our dental specialists/ dentists will find out the details of your medical and dental history, go through a consultation and examination, and take an x-ray of your teeth and jaws, to ascertain if you are suitable for root canal treatment. Thereafter our dentists will discuss with you to recommend the most appropriate solution for your needs.
Inside a tooth is a soft, living tissue called the pulp (also called the “nerve”). The pulp contains blood vessels, fibres and nerves. A root canal treatment is needed when the nerve of a tooth becomes inflamed or infected.
A local anaesthetic will be administered at the site of the tooth to be treated. An opening will be made in the top of the tooth and the infected pulp or nerve will be cleaned from the root canals and the pulp chamber. The space will also be sterilized and shaped for filling. Biocompatible material will then be used to fill the root canal. Adhesive cement is placed to seal the root canals completely. A temporary filling will be used.
This process can be completed in 1 or 2 visits (usually 1 week apart if 2 visits are required).
As the structure of the tooth is compromised, in some cases, a dental crown will be recommended. A foundation build-up will be placed, followed by the crown to protect it and restore it to full function. The restored tooth looks, feels and functions like your other teeth.
For more information on crowns, please refer to our Crowns Page.
Follow Up Care
For the first few days after treatment, in rare cases, your tooth may feel sensitive, especially if there was pain or infection before the procedure. This discomfort can be relieved with pain relief medication.
Most root canal-treated teeth last as long as your natural teeth and require the same maintenance. This includes flossing, brushing and regular 6 monthly dental check-ups.
In a few cases, a tooth that has undergone endodontic treatment does not heal or the pain continues. Further treatment (e.g. root end surgery) may be necessary.
Occasionally, the tooth may become painful months or even years after successful treatment usually due to new decay and/or leakage problems. When this occurs, there may be a need to re-do the endodontic procedure to save the tooth.

We restore your teeth and your faith in the dentist
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Years of Experience

We restore your teeth and your faith in the dentist
Satisfied Patients
Years of Experience